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Various thoughts and classic rants:

     Radio isn't necessarily an interactive medium, but the Marconi Experiment has been.  Listeners have, on a few occasions, turned me on to music I might not have otherwise listened to, and I have been vastly influenced by people with whom I have shared Friday nights on WCVH.  This doesn't happen much anymore because I no longer have access to the music library at the radio station, and I have been working alone for a long time.  If you call in a request, in all probability, I won't play it, not because I don't want to, but because I can't get a copy of it in time, which bugs me almost as much as it bugs you.

November 16, 2016

Since Live365 stopped carrying the Marconi Experiment and no other viable carrier came along, I've neglected to keep this site up to date.  The events of last Tuesday have inspired me to get back on the keyboard.  By no stretch of my imagination can I think Donald Trump is competent to be president, but due to the strange electoral process we have here, he's got the job.  For all our sakes and that of the whole world, I hope he can rise to the job and I wish him well, if only because if he fucks up as much as I expect him to, we all get fucked in the process.  His early staff picks are not improving my outlook.  Steve Bannon is the first person I know of to reach that level of power in this country who is, by any reasonable standards. a Nazi.  Check out Breitbart if you think I'm exaggerating.  The only difference I see between him and a skinhead is that he let his hair grow.  When many people, during the campaign, referred to The Donald as a Nazi, they were engaging in hyperbole.  I am not doing that with Bannon... I mean what I say, literally. 
That being said, let's talk about the electoral college.  Before I start, here is a link to the Constitution:  https://www.archives.gov/founding-docsBefore you grab for the crayons to write a reply, before you hit the caps lock key, so you can digitally shout, read what you are shouting about.  I've found that a distressing number of those who take the Constitution as scripture, have never actually read it.  People who shout scripture also, all too often, are remarkably ignorant of it, but that's a story for another time.
Strictly speaking, Donald Trump IS NOT THE PRESIDENT ELECT!  He will not be until the electors actually cast their ballots on December 19.  There is nothing in the Constitution that requires the electors to vote according to the vote in their state, but individual states have laws regarding that.  Not all states have any restriction and the electors CAN vote their conscience contrary to the vote in every state, but those with laws will exact penalties.  The simple fact is that they can vote for anyone they want, as long as they are willing to accept any possible state penalties.  With that in mind, here are the possible scenarios:
1:  By far, the most likely outcome will be Trump receiving 306 votes (assuming the final Michigan count goes his way), and he will be certified as president elect.
2:  If 36 or more Trump votes switch to Clinton, Hillary Clinton will be certified president elect.  If Michigan goes to Hillary, it will take around 20 switched votes to do this.  (I'm not going back to Google to check the exact number.  If it really eats at you, check it yourself.)
3  If 36 or more Trump votes switch, but not to Clinton, the selection goes to Congress.  Being solidly Republican, you can safely bet they will choose one of their own, but it does NOT have to be Trump or even Pence.  It's not a tie-breaker.  They can choose anyone.  They can choose ME (although if they have read any of my posts or heard even one Marconi Experiment, I can guarantee that I'd be out of the running).
4.  If 270 or more electors decide to choose someone other than Hillary or Donald, that person will become president.  I'm no fan of Jeb Bush, but if they decide to reject Trump and vote Jeb in, I'd sleep a lot better and I'd bet untold millions of people worldwide would, too.
Don't we have an exciting, bizarre system to choose our leaders?  By the way, Hillary is over a million votes ahead of Donald in the popular vote.  People in countries that we have tried peddling Democracy to have to be having a great laugh at that!
In the coming weeks, I'll be commenting on the progress of our changing of the guards and pointing out how what Trump is doing conflicts with what he told us he was going to do.  He's publicly backpedalled on the wall, on Obamacare and on not packing his team with Beltway insiders and Wall Street cronies (except for the Nazi, this is exactly what he is doing).  None of this surprises me, but to those of you who voted for him as an alternative to the status quo, you must be starting to get pissed.



June 16, 2013

If you're going to lie to me, at least be respectful enough to do a good job

April 26, 2013
    Here's the latest in the massive ripoff of the American people.  We've nearly all heard the study that says that an economy tanks if the debt exceeds 90% of the GDP.  Ours exceeds that by around 10%.  The study shows a clear change from a healthy economy to a failing economy at that 90% level. The GOP has been waving that study in our faces for years and using it as proof that we need to cut spending.  That conveniently ignores the fact that you can cut the deficit by raising revenues and that most economic experts say we need to cut spending AND raise revenues.  A graduate student obtained the data from the noted economists who released the study so he could duplicate the results.  He found so many errors in the data that he had a hard time believing it.  His professor had the same problem, but ultimately had to concede that the data was clearly in error.  The original study omitted data from crucial countries and data from some years from countries they otherwise included.  They used a highly questionable method to assess the data.  When the student and his professor included all the omitted data and corrected the errors, the effect found in the original study simply disappeared!  I'm using the term "errors" since the people who discovered the troubles used that term.  I, personally, believe that the original study was deliberately falsified.  The magnitude and nature of the "errors" look like the original authors decided what result they wanted, and cherry-picked the data and methods to deliver that result.  Among us common folk, that's called lying.  The original study was utter bullshit and the GOP has been feeding us that bullshit for years.
Another fact the same source from which I got this information had was that the austerity crowd insists that deficits cause the economy to tank, but the timelines they found indicate that the economy tanks BEFORE the deficits rise.  With greater need and reduced revenues during a recession, increased deficits are a no-brainer.  I am so fucking tired of being bullshitted by these people and I'm even more tired of the dimwitted assholes who believe all of it.  We are systematically being lied to.  Why aren't a lot more of you pissed at that?
    Another bit of GOP bullshit is that they only want to cut spending on safety net, environmental and domestic programs.  The actually want to INCREASE military spending when we spend more than the next 12 nations combined, many of which are friends.  They want to spend more money on weapons systems that even the Pentagon does not want.  They want to spend more on weapons that are almost useless to fight the sort of enemies we have today.  They want weapons in the 21st century that are designed to fight 20th century wars.  We could cut our military budget by 50% and still be spending more that the next 6 nations.  So while our roads and bridges crumble, many of our people are homeless and starving and far too many of us are jobless, they're preparing to invade the rest of the world.  If we cut our military spending by 80%, we would still be spending more than China and Russia combined.  This is just crazy.  With all that military spending, we still can't stop 2 loonies from detonating bombs in Boston, and nothing in that military spending is designed to stop such an act.  So just how does all this spending make us any safer?

Added May 27, 2009

Communique from the Ministry of Propaganda*

    Have you noticed that a lot of otherwise intelligent people, who are making a lot of noise, seem to have been living in caves for the last 8 years?  Let's start with the "Obama recession".  Are there any of us who doesn't remember McCain taking a lot of flak during the campaign for saying the economy is basically sound when we could all see that it was tanking.  Note that this was before the election.  Fact is that I've heard that this recession started 15 months ago.  That should make it very difficult to blame Obama for it and equally difficult to say what we need to do to fix it is more of what the Bush administration was doing for the last 8 years.  So far, this has not been the case.  Rush Windbag is railing against everything that the administration is doing, which admittedly, is his job, but all too many people are taking this entertainer as an expert.  He outdid himself when he said that he hoped the Obama plan fails.  To begin with, the bailout goes back to Bush, but I concede that Obama is going along with it.  If it's socialist, Bush was a socialist, too.  My problem with this can be summed up by a letter that appeared in the Star Ledger on March 12 stating that the Democrats have brought the stock market down 30% (1), are causing record unemployment (2), are increasing government spending beyond what anybody thought possible (3), and are raising taxes to "pass the misery around even more (4).  He says Rush wants these policies to fail because he wants America to succeed (5).  He goes on to say that this semi-socialist, government controls everything, spread the wealth plan will make the problem 10 times worse (6).  He finishes by saying that free-market capitalism is what we need and we shouldn't blame those that have succeeded for the problems of those who haven't (7).
1    The stock market crashed during Bush's watch and it continues to drop due to policies enacted in the last 8 years.  Some of Clinton's policies may have contributed, but the bulk of the problem was lack of regulation and oversight and unbridled greed during the Bush years.
2    Employment also began tanking under Bush.  You don't fix a mess like that overnight, so I expect it to continue to drop for a while.
3    There's no doubt that Obama's policies are resulting in massive spending and deficits.  For the last 8 years, these same people have been quiet while Bush did massive spending and ran up astronomical deficits.  Evidently this is only evil under Democrats.
4    A look at the results of the New Deal from the Great Depression show that such policies do the exact opposite.  The spending and taxes mitigate the effects on those who are actually suffering due to the downturn.  Those policies may not have ended the depression, but there's no evidence they extended it and they did help those that needed it most.  New Deal policies also put controls in place that seem to have minimized downturns for decades until from Reagan on, they have been repealed, or not enforced, and recessions have been deeper since then.
5    Anyone who wants Obama's policies to fail is putting ideology over the needs of America.  It benefits all of us for his policies to work and hurts all of us if they fail.
6    Again, the New Deal mitigated the pain of the Depression for those Americans who needed help, through no fault of their own.  That doesn't sound worse to me.
7    Free Market Capitalism is what got us into this mess and those who have "succeeded" owe those who have not through none of their own fault.  Laid-off workers, failed companies and others are failing because the economy is failing and all the evidence says that greed and lack of regulation caused most of this.  Bernie Madoff can be said to have succeeded, and, frankly, he's too old to jail long enough to satisfy justice.  Having him die in prison is the best we can do.
*    I refer to talk radio and Fox "News".  They tend to be believed as if what they were saying was the truth.  As I've listed above, a lot of it isn't even misinformation, but outright lies.

Atlantis found?!

How many of you have heard that someone "found" Atlantis on Google Earth?  Really!  The coordinates are 31º 15' 15.53" N, 24º 15' 30.53" W.  The grid appears to be a city layout until you consider a few minor problems.  One, it's under over 17000 feet of salt water and, if it ever saw sunlight, it was millions of years ago, and the pattern is over 100 miles long, making a "block" over 10 miles.  Long walk to the corner store.  It also makes the "streets" over a mile wide.  Easy driving, but tough on pedestrians.  Go look anyway... I can guarantee you'll be hearing more about this, no matter how impossible it may be.

I get the Huffington Post and got one last week that just blew my sox off.  I have long thought that our drug laws are insane.  We're spending billions of dollars trying to supress a lot of drugs while two that are known to be amazingly destructive (alcohol and tobacco) are perfectly legal.  We tried banning alcohol and gave organized crime the biggest boost they ever had.  The drugs we are trying to prohibit are now cash cows for organized crime and, allegedly, terrorist organizations, while the enforcement is a drain on our resources, a cause of violence on our streets and the destroyer of at least as many lives as the drugs ever could be.  Prohibition DOES NOT WORK!  It never has and it never will.  We'd have a lot more control by legalizing all of them and regulating and TAXING them.  We got over legalizing gambling and Nevada seems none the worse for their legalized prostitution.  People like getting high and all attempts to legislate them out of that are doomed to fail.  Intoxicants have been in human culture since before we thought to call it culture.  Anyway, what blew my mind was some of the people who were users, including many of this country's founding fathers and paragons of straightness like John Wayne and Bing Crosby.  Here's the links.  Judge for yourself.
Huffington Post
Friends of Cannabis

No amount of lipstick can disguise a turd:  September 13, 2008

    I'm still puzzled as to what McBush was thinking when he chose Sarah Palin as his running mate.  You might still be able to judge Barack Obama as a bit light on experience. but Sarah has none, nationally or internationally, and Barack has an experienced veep to back him up.  That "National Guard" statement some GOP pundits have used is just absurd.  If governors had command of their National Guard, a lot fewer of them would be in Iraq.  You can't avoid the observation that McCain could easily not finish even one term, so a GOP vote this November is probably electing Palin president and she'd totally unequipped.  Read up on her beliefs.  Her grasp of reality is tenuous at best, and the statement that Iraq is "god's war" and that we should consider war with Russia if they continue to poke at neighbors is downright scary.  You're sweating terrorists and there's a candidate who'd go to war with the only viable nuclear opponent left on the planet.  Stupid just doesn't cover it.  I find it ironic that these same people are holding Ronald Reagan up as a standard, yet they are responsible for rekindling the cold war that Ronnie had a hand in ending.  Of course the Russians are saber rattling.  We led the way and have so overextended ourselves that there's nothing we can do short of a nuclear threat, and they can threaten right back and make it stick.  So just what do they expect to accomplish with Sarah?  Are they stupid enough to think Hillary supporters will flock to her just because she's a woman, despite the fact that her policies would be almost exactly the opposite of what Hillary would have done?  More important, do they think WE are stupid enough.  I think that the answer to that is: YES.  They played the stupid card in 2000 and 2004 and it worked.  I'd stick with what works.  What we have to do is learn to be less stupid, so this ploy doesn't work again.  The pig here is the Bush policies that McCain is trying to recycle and no amount of lipstick will help that.  You can't polish a turd.

    Did you see the report just released by a group of military experts giving our advances on homeland protection a "C"?  With an administration that has trumpeted security and curtailed our liberties in the name of that security, they're doing a really crappy job of delivering.  They talk the talk, but they're stumbling badly when they try to walk the walk.  On top of that, they're spending a trillion dollars stirring up the very loonies we need to protect ourselves from.  That's just idiocy.

Drill, drill, drill and other bullshit.:  Septermber 9, 2008

    I've spent a lot of time thinking about oil and offshore drilling.  McBush has been getting his rallys chanting DRILL, which plays really well to the yahoos, but is heaping bullshit if you really give it a bit of  thought.  Answer this:  what business is an oil company in?  Obvious answer is wrong!  All for-profit companies are in the business of making money.  Oil is just a means to that end, so follow the money trail.  Why do they have 68 million acres they could be drilling on, but are not even exploring them?  The answer is simple and it's the same with offshore.  If Washington ends the ban on offshore drilling and gives them the leases they want, their stock prices will rise. despite the fact that we don't actually KNOW that there is any oil out there.  They have to drill to confirm that the geologic indicators are being correctly interpreted.  Suppose they drill and find no oil?  Stock price spirals into the toilet, big stockholders, including all the company honchos, lose a bundle.  Suppose they find a huge deposit of oil, and rush into drilling?  They've already said they don't have the refining capacity to use it anyway, so maybe they sell it to China, but we don't get any, unless it washes ashore as a spill.  So maybe they're feeling particularly patriotic and build refining capacity while they drill. so 10 years from now when the oil actually flows in sufficient amounts to make any difference, they can make products out of it.  They've spent a boatload of money to drill the wells and spent another boatload to build refineries and the result is that oil prices drop.  Invest a pile to make less money.  Sounds really stupid when you say it that way, doesn't it?  So what they do when they have the leases is just sit on them, like the other 68 million acres, while the price of oil rises and their profits continue to rise.  You have certainly noticed that they oil companies are making record profits on reduced sales.  You can bet THEY'VE noticed!  Once they have the leases, the best thing they can do is nothing.  Anything else will reduce their profits.  They'll drill when profits start to fall and you can bet a gallon of gas for $4.00 will be as hard to find as a 30 cent gallon is today.  It's ALL BULLSHIT!!!  If nothing else, understand that the oil companies would be insane to increase refining capacity just when the world is passing peak oil and the need for that capacity is going to drop.  Yeah... spend the cash and build refineries that they will be closing in just a few years for lack of oil to refine.  

    If nothing else, it shows that manufacturing in this country has lost it clout.  This is hurting the auto industry.  They make the big bucks on big vehicles.  Subcompacts cost almost as much to build as hummers, but you can sell a hummer for a whole lot more, hence bigger profits.  Expensive oil is costing domestic automakers.  It's costing the imports, too, but a lot less since they've been living with expensive gas at home for a long time and are tooled up to meet the demand for thrifty vehicles.

Roach patrol at police state:  August 8, 2008

    Every once in a while, something so shocks and appalls me that I can't even wait to get it on the air to rant about it.  Yesterday, in the quiet Maryland suburb of  Berwyn Heights, a police swat team committed what can only be called a home invasion, tied up the occupants, the local mayor and his family, and executed the family's two labrador retrievers.  Mayor Calvo stated:  "Sheriff Jackson said that deputies were engaged by our dogs. This is simply false. The deputies opened fire and executed our dogs the very second they broke down the front door. The flawless execution of Payton and Chase was premeditated without provocation, and it appears to have been done for sport," Calvo said.  So far, the police officials haven't even apologized.  One of the dogs was fleeing when it was shot.  This wouldn't even be close to sufficient.  Even resignations won't serve justice.  Those responsible should be prosecuted and those responsible for the sensless execution of the dogs should do time.  People like this have no business being police.  For justice to work, the police need to be trusted and these can't be.  I also read that this isn't the first time they broke into the wrong house and killed a pet.  I have to wonder how many people they've murdered, to cover up previous mistakes or to eliminate the need to collect enough evidence to convict.

    I suspect that even if the mayor can get the FBI involved, this egregious action will be justified and the victims written off.  One commentator wondered what would have happened if instead of the local mayor, the occupant had been a lone black man.  He'd be dead now, too.  With police power comes the responsibility to exercise that power carefully and with discretion.  This was an act of brutality that cannot and should not go unpunished.  Where the hell is PETA?  They seem to be running around picketing hunters in cases where failing to reduce the population will result in environmental damage and starvation while such cruelty goes unchallenged.  They should be picketing about this incident, demanding justice, or are there just some animals that they don't care about?

    And what precipitated this outrage?  It was a marijuana sting gone wrong due to the police not checking their facts before they went in with guns blazing.  While I believe we don't have a prayer of "winning" the "war on drugs", at least the police should use better tactics than the gangs they are allegedly after.

Before August 2008

    With gasoline hovering around $4/gallon and promising to go higher, a lot of politicians, mostly Repubicans, a lot of people, mostly influenced by politicians and questionable media, and, of course, the oil companies are calling for lifting the ban on offshore drilling and opening more protected land to oil interests.  Do any of you realize that the oil companies have leases on 68 MILLION acres on which they can explore for oil to their heart's content, but are not doing so.  Just for perspective, that's an area of land the size of Colorado, or a whole bunch of New Jerseys.  Why not?  If exploration is the answer, they would be exploring some of these lands to which they already have access.  If that land holds no promise, why do they hang onto the leases?  Some local lawyer is running an ad on WDHA claiming, among other things, that the Chinese are drilling 60 miles off the shore of Florida.  So fucking what?  That's international waters and anybody can drill there, including AMERICAN OIL COMPANIES!!!  If that's so promising, why aren't they doing it?  U.S. territorial waters extend out 12 miles.  Everything beyond that is out of U.S. control and anyone can drill for oil, gas or anything else there.  Finally, it has to be a lot more expensive to drill at sea than on land, so why sit on oil leases on land and push for offshore?  My guess is that they see this as an opportunity to get more without calling in any favors in Washington and with popular approval.  If the average person realized what a scam this is, they'd be outraged.  Or, at least, they should be.

    If the Bush administration has any legacy other than the disasters in the Middle East, a tanking economy, overwhelming debt and rank incompetence, usually rewarded, it will be that the Supreme Court has finally declared the Second Amendment to be an individual right.  I never understood the argument.  They call the first 10 amendments the Bill of Rights for a reason and the other nine unquestionably create individual rights.  Why would the second be different?  Just using common sense, the people who wrote the Constitution had just thrown off a tyrannical and unjust government.  There's no way they'd make a law stating that the government was the final arbiter as to the ownership of firearms.

    Due to a recent State Supreme Court ruling, somewhere in the midwest (I threw the clipping out), a woman who was suing her employer for discrimination when she found that she was making a lot less than male colleagues who were doing the same job, with the same education and experience.  The reason was that it was more than 180 days since the offense STARTED.  Congress failed to pass a bill that would have removed that limitation by just a few votes.  One of those votes was from McCain.  As far as I'm concerned, that's a vote to make the employers power to screw the average worker a bit more absolute and I think we need to know what he stands for before November.  His wife refused to disclose her tax returns.  I have no problem with this, but I better not hear any "average guy" bullshit from him.  It's ironic that the last candidate to have a similar situation was Kerry.  While we're at it, McCain has done a 180 degree turn on the Bush tax cuts.  He opposed them back when they were passed.  He's for them now.  I seem to remember what an issue the GOP made about "flip-flopping" back in 2004.  Bet the GOP is OK with it now.

Have you seen the Cheney video of an interview from 1994?  Do a search for Cheney on YouTube... it's there.  He is saying almost everything I have said as to why going into Iraq was a bad idea.  He even uses the word 'quagmire'.  This, of course, was in the wake of the first Gulf war when we wisely decided to not invade Iraq and he was asked "why".  Either he totally forgot his own reasoning or he was totally lying one of the times.  Aren't you puzzled how a substantial percentage of people still support this administration's policies?  Just how bad do these people have to screw up to lose this support?

   I have a couple of quotes I'd like to share with you.  First comes from David Crosby:  "'It can't happen here' is number one on the list of famous last words."

    The other was written by Theodore Roosevelt on May 7, 1918.  It's significance here is that I've been told that Dubya holds him in high esteem.  He said:
   " The president is merely the most important among a large number of public servants.  He should be supported or opposed exactly to the degree which is warranted by his good conduct or bad conduct, his efficiency or inefficiency in rendering loyal, able and distinguished service to the nation as a whole.  Therefore it is absolutely necessary that there should be full liberty to tell the truth about his acts, and this means that it is exactly as necessary to blame him when he does wrong as to praise him when he does right.  Any other attitude in an American citizen is both base and servile.  To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.  Nothing but the truth should be spoken about him or anyone else.  But it is even more important to tell the truth, pleasant or unpleasant, about him than about anyone else."

    I read a couple of articles in the newspaper recently listing some of the abuses that have been perpetrated by Americans toward Middle-Easterners.  What is particularly upsetting is that they had full administration approval on this.  The administration spent a lot of effort to justify torture ("enhanced interrogation").  This is like calling civilian deaths and destruction "collateral damage".  Wasn't one of the series of justifications for Iraq that Saddam Hussein's government was torturing prisoners?  I'm old enough to remember when we risked nuclear war with the Soviets allegedly because they treated some of their prisoners like we're treating some of our prisoners.  When did we decide not to be the good guys?  Why didn't anyone ask us if we were ok with that?  The Bush years will go down in history much like the McCarthy years in the '50s, only worse.  At least McCarthy didn't have anyone tortured and didn't start a useless and expensive war.  It's high time we took the offensive back from the terrorists and stop being terrified.  As long as they keep us frightened, they are winning.  All together now, with me, raise that finger and show them what we think of them.  Keep your shoes on as you board your plane.  Accept the reality that terrorism is the tactic of the weak because the weak can make a big noise and can't always be stopped.  No matter what we do, some of them will succeed.  We should be concentrating on preventing a real disaster instead of the nickel and dime security measures we're doing now.  One nuclear bomb smuggled into a U.S. city will trump any number of hijacked planes or destroyed buildings and I don't believe the measures we have in place are capable of preventing that and I don't believe anyone in this administration is competent enough to do what is really necessary as opposed to putting on a good show like they have for the last seven years.